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Clyde Common’s Añejo Tequila and Sherry Eggnog
6 egg(s)
225 grams superfine sugar
8 oz. tequila añejo
8 oz. sherry Amontillado medium
18 oz. milk whole milk
12 oz. heavy cream
nutmeg fresh grated

Blend eggs on low speed until smooth. Slowly add sugar, tequila, sherry, and milk. Add heavy cream last. Transfer to Mason jars and refrigerate for up to one week (optimal). Shake well and grate fresh nutmeg atop each serving.

Makes approximately one-half gallon.

Lighter than typical eggnog, yet more complex. Simple to make. Highly recommended by all our tasters.

We saved one bottle of 2021 holiday eggnog in the refrigerator, it tasted great in December 2022!

Adapted from a 2009 recipe by Jeffrey Morgenthaler and Clyde Common.

added December 25, 2019

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